How to Save a Life: Steps to Take When Someone is Choking

Welcome to our latest blog post, brought to you by our team at the Active Assist HCS - CPR Training Center! We are dedicated to empowering individuals with the knowledge and skills needed to save lives, and today we’re diving into a critical topic: assisting someone who is choking. Knowing what to do in this frightening situation can make all the difference, so let’s get started.

Step 1: Encourage the Person to Cough

If the person is able to cough, encourage them to do so. Coughing is the body’s natural way to clear the airway.

Step 2: Call for Help

If coughing doesn’t work, and the person is unable to breathe, speak, or is making the universal sign for choking (placing hands around the throat), call for emergency assistance immediately.

Step 3: Perform Abdominal Thrusts (Heimlich Maneuver)

  1. Stand behind the person and wrap your arms around their waist.

  2. Place a fist just above the person’s navel, grabbing it with your other hand.

  3. Perform quick, upward thrusts to force the object out.

Please note that for pregnant women or individuals with a large belly, you should perform chest thrusts instead of abdominal thrusts.

Join Our Community: Are your family and friends equipped with the knowledge to save a life? CPR, AED, and First Aid certification are indispensable skills that everyone should have. We invite you to join our upcoming courses, refer someone, or explore our workplace training options.

Visit us at to learn more and become a part of our life-saving community.

What is CPR?

Simply put, CPR is the act of moving a person's heart when it has stopped beating. Performing chest compressions allows a heart that has stopped moving to pump blood to the heart, brain, and the rest of the body. Many people are afraid to perform CPR, but fear should not deter us from saving someone's most loved person in the world, including our own.

During chest compressions, you are pumping the person's heart because that heart has stopped pumping. The sooner chest compressions are started, the better the chance the person can come back to life. We want to do our best not to stop chest compressions because every time we stop, blood flow stops.

Questions people ask:

  • Should I push hard and fast in the center of the chest? Is that correct? Yes! If you find a loved one not moving, not breathing, pick up your phone, dial 911, and push hard and fast in the center of their chest.

  • People ask, will I hurt the person by doing chest compressions? No. Sadly, the person who requires chest compressions is already deceased. Unless we start chest compressions right away, their chances of survival are very low.

  • People ask, will I break the ribs? Maybe. Chest compressions need to be forceful, which may cause a person's ribs to break. However, the ribs will heal if the person survives. Keep in mind there is no healing in death, so to that, we say, break the ribs.

  • People ask, what if I am unsure whether the person is not moving or not breathing? If you think the person is dead, it is always better to start chest compressions on the person who doesn't need them than to delay chest compressions on the person who does.

CPR involves three main components:

  1. Chest Compressions: The foundation of CPR lies in chest compressions. To perform chest compressions, you'll place your hands on the center of the victim's chest and push down hard and fast at a rate of approximately 100-120 compressions per minute. The goal is to compress the chest by at least 2 inches (5 centimeters) in adults.

  2. Rescue Breaths: After 30 chest compressions, the rescuer delivers two rescue breaths to the victim. These breaths help oxygenate the lungs and circulate oxygen throughout the body. For trained individuals, mouth-to-mouth resuscitation is used, ensuring a proper seal over the victim's mouth while closing their nose.

  3. AED (Automated External Defibrillator): If available, an AED can be used in conjunction with CPR. AEDs are portable devices that analyze the victim's heart rhythm and, if necessary, deliver an electric shock to restore a normal heart rhythm. They provide step-by-step voice prompts to guide rescuers.

Sign Up For Our Next CPR Class

CPR is not just another skill; it's a powerful tool that can mean the difference between life and death. You can learn how to save someone’s life in less than 3 hours. Sign up for a CPR class near you by visiting We are located at 108 Greentree Rd, Unit JK, Turnersville NJ 08012. Call/Text to register for a CPR Class at 856-375-0866.

Discover the Lifesaving Benefits of CPR Classes Near You in Washington Township, NJ

Discover the Lifesaving Benefits of CPR Classes Near You in Washington Township, NJ

Are you looking to gain a life-saving skill that could make all the difference in a critical situation? Look no further than Active Assist HCS CPR Training Center in Washington Township, NJ. Our CPR classes offer a variety of training options, and we are dedicated to equipping individuals with the knowledge and skills they need to respond effectively during emergencies.

Contact Active Assist HCS CPR Training Center 108 Greentree Rd, Unit JK, Turnersville NJ 08012. Call/Text 856-375-0866

Why CPR Matters: The Lifesaving Benefits

Cardiopulmonary Resuscitation (CPR) is a vital skill that can mean the difference between life and death in an emergency situation. Here are some compelling reasons why taking CPR classes is essential:

  1. Immediate Response: CPR is a technique used to revive someone whose heart has stopped beating or who has stopped breathing. By administering CPR promptly, you can maintain blood flow to vital organs until professional medical help arrives.

  2. Increased Survival Rates: Statistics show that early CPR can double or even triple the chances of survival after a cardiac arrest. When you're trained in CPR, you become a crucial link in the chain of survival.

  3. Empowerment: Learning CPR gives you the confidence and knowledge to respond effectively to various emergencies, including choking, drowning, and cardiac arrest. You become a first responder in your community.

  4. Protect Loved Ones: Your CPR skills can be used to save the lives of family members, friends, or even strangers. Knowing you can help in a crisis is a powerful motivator.

Who Should Get CPR Certified?

CPR training is not limited to healthcare professionals; it's a skill that anyone can and should acquire. Here are some groups of people who can benefit from becoming CPR certified:

  1. Parents and Caregivers: Children and infants are particularly vulnerable to accidents and choking. Parents and caregivers can gain peace of mind by learning CPR.

  2. Teachers and School Staff: In a school setting, teachers and staff may encounter medical emergencies involving students. CPR certification ensures they can respond effectively.

  3. Workplace Safety: Employers can improve workplace safety by having employees trained in CPR. It's a valuable skill in industries where accidents or medical emergencies are more likely to occur.

  4. Community Members: Being CPR certified means you can step in to help a neighbor, friend, or stranger in a life-threatening situation until professional help arrives.

  5. Healthcare Workers: Healthcare professionals need CPR certification as part of their job requirements, but regular training and updates are essential to maintain their skills.

Active Assist HCS CPR Training Center: Your Go-To Source for CPR Classes in Washington Township, NJ

At Active Assist HCS CPR Training Center, we are committed to providing top-notch CPR training to individuals and organizations in Washington Township and the surrounding areas. Our classes are designed to meet the needs of both beginners and experienced individuals looking to refresh their skills.

Here's what sets us apart:

  1. Certified Instructors: Our classes are led by certified CPR instructors with real-world experience, ensuring you receive the highest quality training.

  2. Flexible Scheduling: We offer flexible scheduling options to accommodate your busy lifestyle. Whether you prefer weekday or evening classes, we have you covered.

  3. Comprehensive Curriculum: Our CPR classes cover a wide range of topics, including adult, child, and infant CPR, AED usage, and choking relief.

  4. Hands-On Training: We believe in learning by doing. Our classes include hands-on practice, so you can feel confident in your ability to respond in an emergency.

Don't wait until an emergency happens to wish you had learned CPR. Take action now to acquire this vital skill and become a lifesaver in your community. Contact Active Assist HCS CPR Training Center today to inquire about our upcoming CPR classes in Washington Township, NJ. Your decision to get certified could make all the difference in someone's life.

An answer we should all know, what is the number one killer of women?

Heart disease! However, when you ask many this question you will hear answers such as breast cancer or stroke. It is always shocking when I ask this question during a CPR class because it is very rare to hear heart disease as the first answer.

Women present with a heart attack differently than men. When I worked in a Cardiac ICU, we taught women that pain from the belly button up should be treated as chest pain. A recent CPR student said "I had indigestion that started on a Friday, and I kept taking Tums hoping it would get better." By, Monday she was in the Cardiac Cath Lab getting a stent. She said, "I didn't know I was having a heart attach because I didn't have chest pain."

Keep an eye out for shortness of breath, nausea, vomiting, back or jaw pain, and fatigue. Think this could be a heart attack and call 911 immediately! Don't drive to the hospital because what if you need
CPR during the drive?

Let's be sure everyone knows that heart disease is the number one killer of women. And, get CPR certified just in case the heart attack becomes a cardiac arrest!

Active Assist HCS- CPR Training Center 108 Greentree Rd, Unit JK, Turnersville ,NJ 08012. Call/Text: 856-375-0866

Combining CPR and Narcan for Maximum Impact

Active Assist HCS - CPR Training Center offers CPR classes that will teach you how to recognize an emergency and respond in a confident and competent way. We make learning CPR easy and stress free. We encourage everyone to know CPR and have naloxone in their home, so that you are prepared to respond to an opioid overdose. You can get free naloxone at NJ pharmacies or contact the NJ Department of Health.

When it comes to saving lives, the combination of CPR and Narcan/naloxone can have a significant impact. In cases where opioids have caused cardiac arrest, administering CPR while waiting for the effects of Narcan/naloxone to take hold can be lifesaving. CPR helps maintain blood flow and oxygenation to the vital organs, increasing the chances of survival.

By combining these two life-saving techniques, loved ones, bystanders and healthcare professionals can maximize their efforts in an opioid related emergency. While CPR keeps the blood flowing, Narcan/naloxone works to reverse the effects of the opioid overdose, allowing the victim a better chance of survival.

If you notice someone is UNRESPONSIVE and NOT BREATHING - START CPR.

  • DIAL 911



    • Push hard at least 2 inches

    • Think of the beat to the song “Stayin’ Alive” by the Bee Gees

    • It will be scary, but CPR will increase the chance of survival.



Getting trained in CPR is easy. Active Assist HCS - CPR Training Center offers weekly CPR training classes that cost less than a dinner for 2. Visit to register for a CPR class near by.

Why Enrolling in CPR Classes Could be the Best Investment You Make

Are you prepared to save a life in an emergency situation? Enrolling in CPR classes could be the best investment you make. Accidents and medical emergencies can happen at any time, and knowing how to perform CPR can make all the difference in saving someone's life.

By taking CPR classes, you will acquire essential skills that can help you respond confidently and effectively in critical situations. You'll learn the proper techniques for giving chest compressions, as well as how to use an AED (automated external defibrillator). These skills can mean the difference between life and death when every minute counts.

Not only will learning CPR potentially save lives, but it can also give you peace of mind. Knowing that you have the knowledge and ability to provide assistance in an emergency can empower you to take action and make a difference. Your AHA CPR certification is valid for 2 years. this investment in your skills can benefit you for a long time.

Don't wait until it's too late. Enroll in CPR classes today and equip yourself with the skills to save lives.

Which CPR class should I take? Check out our FAQ page for the answer ~ Frequently Asked Questions

American Heart Association Basic Life (BLS)Support Course January 8, 2018

Active Assist Home Care Services is offering our next American Heart Association BLS course on January 8, 2018. 

Basic Life Support/ BLS is designed for health care providers. This course includes the latest updates from the American Heart Association. This course is great for advanced providers, nursing students, physical therapy students, medical associates. The primary trainer is a critical care nurse with extensive training in emergency response. Our instructors are patient with students to ensure that they are comfortable providing basic life support in any setting. We will be hosting courses at our Washington Township Location.

We are located at 11 Enterprise Ct, Sewell NJ 08080. Call 856-374-1580 to join our next course.

This course will includes the latest topics:

BLS/CPR for Adults

Automated External Defibrillator for Adults and Children 8 Years of Age and Older

BLS/CPR for Children From 1 Year of Age to Puberty

BLS/CPR for Infants

Automated External Defibrillator for Infants and Children From 1-8 years of Age

CPR With an Advanced Airway

Mouth to Mouth Breaths

Rescue Breathing 

Relief of Choking

In-home Infant CPR Training

We are very excited to offer in-home infant CPR training. Our in-home CPR training includes teaching parents and caregivers how to perform CPR quickly and effectively, and how to respond to infant chocking.

Every parent hopes the day never comes when they will have to perform CPR on anyone let alone their own children. And, I certainly hope you NEVER need this skill, but want you to be prepared if you do. Personally, I have saved my son's life four times. The first time was at On The Border in Marlton where he chocked on a teething biscuit, and the last time was a couple of months ago he choked on chicken fajitas. Thankfully, as a nurse I am trained to handle most emergencies. So, I was able to dislodge the food from his throat. 

The in-home CPR training only takes about an hour, and we will work with you until we know you are comfortable responding to infant choking and performing CPR. You will trained by a Critical Care Nurse who is passionate about CPR. 

The class is fun, relaxed, and informative. We encourage to you to invite up to 6 caregivers  which may include grand parents and babysitters. 

Call us today at 856-374-1580 to schedule your personal appointment.   

New blood pressure guidelines posted by the American Heart Association.

The American Heart Association just released new high blood pressure guidelines. The new guidelines for high blood pressure is 130/80. So, more people will be diagnosed with high blood pressure. What this means for patients and caregivers? More patients will now be diagnosed with high blood pressure and encouraged to make lifestyle changes and/or modify their current medication regimen. 

Some people may wonder why the new guidelines are necessary. They are necessary because the sooner a person is made aware that they have high blood pressure the less end organ damage they will experience. More people can start to be aware of the need to make diet and exercise changes in their life before catastrophic events happens such as blindness, kidney failure, or impotence. 

Hopefully, these new guidelines will wake people up to the problem of high blood pressure and more lives will be saved.